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Weekly ministries

Sunday morning

Worship service | 10:45am

God-exalting worship, with a blend of hymns and praise music along with practical and relevant Bible teaching done in an expository manner.

Children’s Sunday school | 9:30am

Age appropriate Bible teaching to introduce children to Jesus and His Word, helping them develop a Bible-centered worldview and a love for God's Word.

Live-stream | 10:45am

For those who are unable to join us in person on Sunday morning, we have a live stream of our service available.

Adult bible fellowship | 9:30am

Three mid-sized groups meeting together to fellowship in the Word and build relationships within the Body of Christ.

Children's church

Starting to Grow and It’s Grow Time for preschool through elementary age children - 11:15am

Starting to Grow and It’s Grow Time use a three-year, through-the-Bible curriculum. Each year covers a Biblical timeline through the Old Testament and continues on to the New Testament, completing an overview of the entire Bible every three years. The dual purpose of the curriculum is spiritual growth and understanding the Bible timeline with particular attention to the history and thread of redemption throughout the entire Bible.


Families will be asked to Check-in each week at the Children’s Church kiosk located in the main lobby of JIBC.


We encourage families with little ones that are 3 years old (potty trained) through entering Kindergarten to allow their children the opportunity to learn about The Bible and Jesus Christ in an age-appropriate, clean and safe environment each week for a portion of the Sunday morning service.


Children in Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to learn each week in a setting that is age-appropriate and safe for them.


Core doctrines will be taught, including:

  • The total inspiration of Scripture and that it is TRUTH in its entirety

  • There is only ONE true God ~found in the trinity~ God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit

  • Jesus Christ paid the full penalty for sin through His death, burial and resurrection, and He is the only way to Salvation

Its GROW Time_color logo.jpg

Monday evening

Grief support group - 
6:30pm - 8:30pm

Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one.

GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help.

Wednesday evening

Awana - 6:45pm - 8:15pm

Meets Wednesday evenings September to May with the goal of reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and training them to serve Him.

IMPACT - 6:45pm - 8:15pm

Wednesday night youth ministry for teens in 7th through 12th grade. An energy filled night of fun, worship, and applicable Bible study designed with teens in mind.

Thursday evening

Prayer meeting - 7:00pm

Summer ministries

Vacation Bible school

A fun-filled ministry for the children of JIBC and the community held one week each summer. VBS includes focused Bible teaching in age appropriate settings along with music, fun games, crafts and more.

Teen Week

3 nights of intense team competition, theme oriented preaching on a teen's level, and great food. For teens entering 7th grade through high school graduates.


Johnstown Independent

Baptist Church 



7397 Johnstown Alexandria Rd

Johnstown, Ohio 43031

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