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JIBC adheres to the great commission of Matthew 28 that commands us to go into all the world and evangelize the lost with the gospel of Christ, therefore we support or are directly involved with several missionary efforts around the globe. Mission fields that we support are noted below.

Matt Woods
MMS Aviation

Birch & Connie Champeon

Jackie Hopkins
Baptist Mid-Missions (Cleveland Inner City Children’s Ministries)
Cleveland, OH

Missionary family
Names withheld
for security

Nate & Maam Beckman
Baptist Mid Missions (Church Planting in Thailand)

Mike & Kris Reed
AWANA Missionaries

Linden & Janice Viinalass
Stand Firm Ministries Estonia

Cristi & Kristie Boingeanu
Romania Camp Ministry

Larry & Linda Ingalls
Shiloh Military Ministries (Missions to the Military)

Lazarus Life Ministries
Knox County

Kyu & Anna Kim
Avant Ministries (Evangelism & Discipleship in Colombia)

​Manasseh Wakawa
Wakawa Nigerian Ministries

Sam Mbok
Pankshin School of Missions, Covenant Farms in Jos, Nigeria

Eduardo & Valeria Izquierdo
Grace Ministries
(Church Planting in Monterrey, Mexico)
A Place for Grace Children's Home

New Life Baptist Bible Institute (NLBBI)
Moreh, Manipur, India

Thangboi (Seitinthang) Milheiem
Pastor in Moreh, Manipur, India

Jangkhoman Milhiem, (JM)
Pastor in Imphal, Manipur, India
Elena England

Beth Newton
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